Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sometimes You Have A Bad Day

I haven't posted for a few days. I keep meaning to post more people stories that they have shared with me. But I'm not going to do that today. Why? Because I am being selfish and I want to vent.
Just a poopy day. And for absolutely no reason. Zero.

Things are actually going so so great for me. I really love my new job and it's going well. I am learning everything and feeling comfortable with it. The people that I work with are so nice. I have been going to the gym and working out. The sun has been shining. I've been able to hang out with some fantastic friends. I really couldn't ask for anything much more.
But for some reason I am stuck in a ditch today. And it is beyond frustrating. It's hard to stay positive on a day like this and I just don't know why. I just want to stay in my bed and listen to sad music. And get fat. And sleep.

Don't worry, I'm not falling back into a spiral. I knew that I was going to have days like this. Just like I know that I will have more in the future. The trick is to not let them turn into week-long catastrophes.  And to accept the fact that you are going to have days like this.
I call them my time-out-days. I don't completely check out of reality. (I still went to work and such) But when I do get home and have time, I just vegetate.
I really don't know why my brain has to have days like this... but I know that I have to give my brain them sometimes.

Rereading this, it's probably the most boring post that I have ever posted. But I don't care because it's real. This is really what I am going through and it's a big part of my struggle with Depp. (That's what I've named my depression.)

Comment please. Send me some love. I hope that you are having a much better day than me.


Anonymous said...

Life is so hard. Embrace the bad day, then let it go the next. I know, easier said than done, but with practice (and I've had a lot) it gets easier! I love you girl!

Faith said...

I agree. I had a day much like that yesterday. so I watched a sad movie and just was kind to myself and allowed myself the rest I needed. but today I'm up and ready to roll! Sometimes we need those days.

I hope you're feeling much better too! I really like your blog and its an encouragement to me! Keep pressing on and beat Depp!

Unknown said...

Life is a process and a journey. I never could buy into the "be positive" but i could buy into the "what is reality". If you look at your overall reality - it is pretty good - so one bad day may happen - but overall it is a pretty darn good life.