Thursday, May 16, 2013

Love is love

Here is another post that has a different author. It's from a really great friend of mine that I have always looked up to. I for a long time didn't know that this person struggles with what they do. Once again, it's a very different struggle than mine, but I can still relate. It's amazing how you can almost always find a way to relate with somebody. I had no idea that this person was gay, and when this person came out of the closet, they lost some friends, and struggled with their family. It was really hard for them.

"Depression feels like you're drowning, while everyone around you is breathing. For me, I used to be fine, happy, outgoing, but finally reached my breaking point. Being gay has always been a struggle, people judge you and treat you differently once they find out. People wouldn't let it go, they'd always make stabs at me, call me names, and I can't even count the number of "friends" I lost after I came out. I finally collapsed in on myself. I felt alone, and like no one could ever understand what I was dealing with. I had no emotion. I was lazy. I didn't want to do anything, go out, talk to people, work, nothing. All I could think about was death. Is it worth it? Would people even care? Would I be better off? My life ceased to matter to me. I contemplated ways to do it. But finally I decided to try my last option, talk to my parents. I never realized how much they cared for me before that moment. Fact is people may not express how much they care for you. People won't always treat you the way you want, people will always hurt you, but they do care. More people care than you realize. I know it's hard to wrap your head around it, but it is a fact. Your death may affect people you never would have thought. Suicide should never be an option. It is still something that consumes my mind, but I could never go through with it. My anxiety and depression is still an uphill battle, but I can make it through, as can anyone else who sets their mind to it. I surround myself with positive people, exercise, play with my pets, go out and do fun activities, and keep myself busy with school and work. It helps so much, and makes me feel so much better. But the fact is, none of us are sane. We all have our moments and weaknesses. But we can all make it through our trials. We're not alone. "We're all mad here."

This person is doing great now, having made some new, better friends, and the family is more understanding. I look up to this person more than ever now.  And I am so proud of them.
I love how this person makes a very private struggle relate-able to everybody.  It's so true in that no matter what you are going through, there is ALWAYS somebody there that loves you and cares about you and wants to help you. I am one of those people. If you want to talk, vent, whatever - I am here. She was so smart to go to her parents before doing anything rash. You will always be surprised by the support you really have.

I hope you are having a good week. Enjoy the sunshine!

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