Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What I Do to Stay Happy

Well it has been like a million years since I last posted. So that is super lame of me and I apologize. Obviously a lot has happened since I last posted because a lot of time has gone by. To sum up quite shortly, I am back in northern Utah, and I am doing really well.
It has been almost a full year since I started this blog and began this new journey of mine. I am very happy to report that I am doing loads better. Much happier on a day to day basis. But it's not because my life is going so much better or anything like that... in fact I'm probably more of a loser now than I was then... But that just goes to show how much progress I have made and how much better I am doing.
Of course I still have bad moments, days, and even weeks, but generally I am a much happier girl.

Here are some things that I have been doing lately to try to stay on top of the cloud rather than sink below it:
  • I have been keeping a 'Happiness Journal' It's a journal that I can only write down happy, good experiences. It's nice to keep on hand because whenever I am feeling down I can pop it open and make myself smile. It's also nice to help me remember the little happy moments throughout the day that otherwise I would have forgotten.
  • Every morning when I wake up I say out loud at least 5 things that I am grateful for and I try to say something different everyday. When you start the day out like this, it helps you stay more positive throughout the day
  • When I start to feel myself get down, I talk to somebody about it. Wow Samara, that is such an amazing and original idea! Okay I know that this is a seemingly obvious one, but I never used it much before and now that I am I can really see the benefits.
  • I have lily-pads. These are things that I look forward to in the future. Like a frog jumping pad to pad I am jumping from good thing to good thing. 
Well go ahead and let me know how YOU try to stay positive. It's a crazy world that we live in with a lot of terrible things... but I now believe that the good outweighs the bad. :)
I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Sam, thank you so much for writing this. I can really relate to you. It makes me feel better just knowing you're near by if I need to talk to someone who understands.
Love you lots!

tire iron said...

Samara - GOOD FOR YOU!!! Most people turn to drugs of some variety (including alcohol) precisely because they haven't figured out how to feel peace in not so peaceful, stressful life. Keep doing your gratitude statements in the morning. I do them every morning and evening!

Anonymous said...

What I do to stay happy is spend time with you! We laugh and create and share and sometimes cry. I need you and the world needs you. Guess Who??

smra said...

Eliza I am DEFINITELY always here to talk babe. I love you! And thank you Tire Iron, I love the gratitude thing. As for the last post... I honestly do not know who you are, because you could be a number of people. I'm just going to play it safe and say somebody that I love very much.