Sunday, March 30, 2014

Black is the new Black

For my first fashion post I decided to start with my basic - black.

My favorite color ya'll

And by basic I don't mean unsophisticated. I mean that it feels like going home, or that it's something I can always rely on to feel comfortable, chic, and put together. Yohji Yamamoto said it perfectly -"Black is modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy and easy - but mysterious." And if there is anything about me that you need to know, it's that I am lazy and mysterious. hahaha Just kidding.

I did a little research on the psychological properties of the color black. Black is powerful (sometimes intimidating), it communicates sophistication, it creates a perception of weight and seriousness, and implies self-control and discipline. (Do I sound like a boss yet?) But I REALLY don't think that I come off as intimidating. I don't think I could if I tried. haha I just like black, okay?

Happy Happy Happy

But black being my favorite color does not mean that I am depressed and/or angry all the time. It actually makes me really happy to wear black. This sounds weird - but when I wear black I feel like I am wearing a hug all day. So don't worry if you see me wearing all-black-all-the-time, because I am actually wearing all-hugs-all-the-time! And my cutie friend Ashlee agrees with me. She says, and I quote, ""Wearing black is something that makes me feel good. Black just fits and looks good on any day. - But really though." Obviously she's pretty darn cool. 

Need anymore reasons to wear black? Johnny Cash did it. So does Mary-Kate and Ashley. It can cause you to blend in or stand out. It's figure flattering on every skin tone. It's a neutral that can go with ANY other color. (I challenge you to find a color that doesn't look fab with it) Like Karl Lagerfeld said, "One is never overdressed or under-dressed in a little black dress." And Coco Chanel said, "Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony." If Karl and Coco say it's okay, it's REALLY okay.


But you are probably asking yourself, "WHY DO I CARE THAT YOU WEAR BLACK?". And to that I say, "Okay, calm down. There is really no need to yell here, I can hear you just fine." I'm waiting for an apology now but you've had a rather frustrating day so you just can't do that.
Luckily I am empathetic and I am moving on. The reason that you might care a little bit is because I have had a lot of people tell me that my attitude (depression) would cheer up if my wardrobe would cheer up. And that's just not the case with me. 
Black makes me happy. Plain and simple.

So I am telling you to do what makes you happy. Regardless of everybody's misconceptions are about what makes you happy, just do it anyways. (As long as you are doing safe things. You might say that knife fights make you happy but you should in no way compare that to my long-black-fringed-kimono-vest that makes me feel like a million bucks.) So if clowns genuinely make you happy and don't scare your pants off - then buy the clown coloring book. Or if castles are your absolute favorite things and you have the means to build one (complete with a moat and door/bridge) then by all means, build that sucker. (And then invite me over because I want to see it.)

I mean, come summertime I probably won't be wearing black as often because my summer clothes are not as dark as my winter clothes. (Although I do have dreams of a giant vat of black RIT dye and throwing all my clothes and inhibitions in there...) But - summertime is my most comfortable season anyways. 

And don't mind that I'm not smiling in hardly any of these pictures.... there was a lot going on that day. haha 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Revamp (but no vampires)

I have been thinking a lot about starting up my blog again, but I knew that I wanted to do it differently this time... So I have completely revamped my blog with a different look and feel.  I want to focus more on EVERY aspect of my life rather than just my depression and anxiety. As I have said many times, your depression and anxiety (and etc.) does not define you. And I feel like with the way my blog was going, I was heavily defining myself as such. But there are so many more things about me and so many other sides to me, I like to think that I am a well rounded character. The people in real-life (not just blog-life) know that I am very into fashion. My close friends know that I am very into food (particularly pizza). My fellow nerds know that I am very very into Harry Potter (I am a great person to nerd-out with about this).
I have seen some statistics that show that blogs do better when they are focused in a general area, but I'm not here to make my blog super successful... I'm here to show you how normal (and sometimes awesome) a post-suicidal life can be.

So here is the cliff-notes version of my life since the last time I posted - which was admittedly ions ago.

  • I am still together, and very happy with, my boyfriend Ryan. I made extravagant Valentine's Day plans that did not go as planned and I cried. But we still had a great weekend and he didn't even break up with me. (That was my anxiety jumping to the worst conclusion)
  • I am still working at my place of employment and I really love it. My coworkers are great and always keep a smile on my face. 
  • Still living with my grandparents and I am currently without a car. Losers unite! (Don't worry I'm just waiting to hear back on my car loan and then I will cruise the 'vard again)
  •  I have lost 7 pounds since November. I am working hard to eat healthy and exercise regularly and I feel great (usually) because of it. 
  • My twin sister is visiting from Germany and I couldn't be happier about it. 

The next post that I am going to do (shortly) is going to be fashion-focused. I haven't quite decided what I want it to be more than that because I have lots of ideas jumbling in my head, so if you want to see anything in particular PLEASE comment. Or email. Or text. Or homing pigeon.

I honestly hope that all of your lives are going excellently, and that you are having a rad day/night. Stay cool.