Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Revamp (but no vampires)

I have been thinking a lot about starting up my blog again, but I knew that I wanted to do it differently this time... So I have completely revamped my blog with a different look and feel.  I want to focus more on EVERY aspect of my life rather than just my depression and anxiety. As I have said many times, your depression and anxiety (and etc.) does not define you. And I feel like with the way my blog was going, I was heavily defining myself as such. But there are so many more things about me and so many other sides to me, I like to think that I am a well rounded character. The people in real-life (not just blog-life) know that I am very into fashion. My close friends know that I am very into food (particularly pizza). My fellow nerds know that I am very very into Harry Potter (I am a great person to nerd-out with about this).
I have seen some statistics that show that blogs do better when they are focused in a general area, but I'm not here to make my blog super successful... I'm here to show you how normal (and sometimes awesome) a post-suicidal life can be.

So here is the cliff-notes version of my life since the last time I posted - which was admittedly ions ago.

  • I am still together, and very happy with, my boyfriend Ryan. I made extravagant Valentine's Day plans that did not go as planned and I cried. But we still had a great weekend and he didn't even break up with me. (That was my anxiety jumping to the worst conclusion)
  • I am still working at my place of employment and I really love it. My coworkers are great and always keep a smile on my face. 
  • Still living with my grandparents and I am currently without a car. Losers unite! (Don't worry I'm just waiting to hear back on my car loan and then I will cruise the 'vard again)
  •  I have lost 7 pounds since November. I am working hard to eat healthy and exercise regularly and I feel great (usually) because of it. 
  • My twin sister is visiting from Germany and I couldn't be happier about it. 

The next post that I am going to do (shortly) is going to be fashion-focused. I haven't quite decided what I want it to be more than that because I have lots of ideas jumbling in my head, so if you want to see anything in particular PLEASE comment. Or email. Or text. Or homing pigeon.

I honestly hope that all of your lives are going excellently, and that you are having a rad day/night. Stay cool. 

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